How can a woman stop drinking alcohol alone at home

Unfortunately, the problem of alcoholism is becoming more and more relevant every year. This problem affects all social strata of the population, it affects both men and women. Female alcoholism is rapidly gaining momentum. Where has the real purpose of a woman disappeared - to be the keeper of the family hearth and an example for children?

Maybe that's why a woman who drinks is covered with great shame, others treat her much worse compared to a man who drinks. And he goes "underground" more and more often, preferring to drink alone and increasingly plunges into the darkness of alcoholism. Is there a way for a woman to stop drinking alcohol on her own without drawing special attention to her problem?

woman drinking wine how to stop

With a competent approach, a woman can get rid of alcohol addiction at home.

Shades of female alcoholism

Women, due to the specificity of their hormonal system and psychological composition, get used to drinking much faster than men. Even a small dose of alcohol causes much more damage to a woman's body. In order to stop addiction, the fairer sex will have to put in a lot of effort.

It is extremely difficult to deal with alcohol addiction on your own, especially for ladies.

In order to stop drinking alcohol, a woman will have to make a lot of effort, include all her strength and desire to live happy and healthy for the rest of her life. On this most difficult path of the fight against addiction, you will have to face setbacks, failures and breakdowns.

There's nothing wrong with that, you just should never drain your strength and re-submit yourself to a deadly habit. And we will do our best to help and offer a number of effective ways and tips that can be useful.

Preparing for battle

Before you look for the most effective recipes and ways for a woman to stop drinking alcohol at home, you should understand your mind a little. Remember the reasons that pushed you to start the muddy road of alcohol addiction, to understand what exactly provoked you to take alcohol for the first time. And then give yourself a concrete answer to the following questions.

Why is it necessary

Self-treatment of female alcoholism should begin with a specific and clear understanding of why a sober life is necessary. What will the woman get in return?

  1. The grandchildren love it.
  2. location of children.
  3. Family welfare.
  4. Establishing a personal life.
  5. A new, more stable job.
  6. Improvement of the financial situation.
  7. Restoring impaired health.

Each person will have their own incentive, which is worth striving for. This thread throughout the difficult road to sobriety will support a man and prevent him from going astray. Do not forget that even with the full support of relatives and friends, the fight against alcohol addiction, especially on your own, can take months, if not years.

Problem analysis

You should really want to get back to a healthy and sober life. Only then will the results that have appeared become a new incentive and create a strong reason to be proud of yourself and your achievements. One more truth should be remembered - a sober life is based on the full responsibility of the person himself for all the events that take place in him.

In order to first understand yourself and find out the origin of the problem, it is worth visiting a psychologist. The specialist will help to raise the layer of time and understand the origin due to which the woman seriously began to abuse alcohol. According to studies, the reasons that most often force women to drink regularly include the following situations:

  • prolonged depression;
  • stressful difficult situations;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disorder and personal life problems;
  • constant conflicts, hostility at work, in the family;
  • the environment (husband drinks, friends, work colleagues constantly arrange gatherings).

By the way, the psychologist will give effective advice, better fill the gap. After all, when the constant use of alcohol leaves life, a person usually experiences depression. You should find useful activities that will help you get out of depressed states and fill the spiritual void.

Female alcoholism should be dealt with immediately, not left and not allowed to further self-destruct. Indeed, with each "drunk" year, returning to a sober life becomes more and more difficult.

Medicines to help

Various drugs specially created to fight this disease can help a woman get rid of alcohol addiction herself. These agents can be purchased at any pharmacy. All such drugs are divided into three types:

  1. Significantly reduces the need for another drink.
  2. It works to relieve withdrawal symptoms and helps remove residual ethanol metabolites from the body.
  3. Drugs that cause a person to develop an aversion to alcohol. They act on the appearance of unpleasant symptoms when alcohol enters the body.

But, before taking such medicines, you should always consult your doctor. These drugs, due to their aggressive chemical composition, can negatively affect the emotional and psychological state, and they also have many contraindications.

Advice from folk healers

You can independently deal with the treatment of female alcoholism by resorting to the help of a folk pharmacy. By the way, many people manage to significantly reduce the desire to drink, using various medicinal herbs and plants. The expected effect also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of one's own desire to stop drinking.

The most popular and effective recipes include the following:

Sheep tincture. Grind twigs of dry lamb (10 g) and scald them with boiling water (200 ml). Cook the mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes, then insist for another 2-2. 5 hours. The finished product is taken 15-20 ml every couple of hours. And stop taking as soon as the woman feels nauseous.

Sheep tincture can be used provided that the addict has not drunk alcohol for 4-5 days before starting the therapy.

Thyme and wormwood. Both of these plants should be mixed (20 g each) and poured with boiling water (200 ml). The soup is boiled for 20 minutes, and then insisted for another hour. Drink it twice a day for 25 ml.

Infusion of Hypericum. The medicinal agent is prepared in a water bath in the amount of 150 g of plant material per half liter of water. The finished medicine is drunk twice a day for 30 ml on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1. 5-2 weeks.

Bearberry decoction. Boil the herbal raw materials (30 g) in a glass of boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour. The prepared broth is drunk during the day in equal quantities. The general course of treatment lasts about a month.

Herbal tincture. Mix bitter wormwood, centaury and thyme (20 g each). Boil the vegetable mass with boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Drink the medicine in the amount of 20 ml 3-4 times a day for 2-2. 5 months.

Acorn drink. To prepare this medicine, you will need 20 g of dry crushed acorns and pure alcohol (200 ml). The alcoholic mass must be infused in a dark place for a week. Take 10 drops per day. The course of treatment is individual, it can be stopped as soon as a persistent aversion even to the type of alcohol appears.

At the end of all the recommendations and advice, it should be remembered that "salvation is the work of the drowning". That is, without a strong and conscious desire to get back in good shape, a healthy body, success in all endeavors, i. e. a sober life, the independent fight against alcohol addiction will not bring results.

Only unconditional faith in one's own strength will help a woman return to sobriety. And the necessary support in difficult and long-term health must be provided by close and loved ones.